One of the most important factors that businesses consider when it comes to marketing is the first impression they make on potential customers. This is why it’s important that your chatbot provides a welcoming message.

What is the welcome message and why it is important?

Your chatbot’s welcome message is designed to provide a warm greeting to the users who are texting you on messenger. It usually includes a couple of background details and a variety of options for continuing the conversation.

The first thing that potential customers see when they open your website is your home page. This is where they start their search for more information about your brand.

If you’re a chatbot expert, then you’ll know that Facebook’s welcome feature is already available on the messenger. However, if you want to create your own welcome message, you can use SocialMate. This feature only allows plain text replies, and it doesn’t allow the attachment of media or other content.

SocialMate’s welcome feature allows you to customize the message that you want to send to your users. It also makes the message more appealing.

What should an effective welcome message contain?

Although it should be brief, your active ChatBot welcome message should include four elements:

1. Personal Greeting

The personalization of the welcome message is also important, as it allows the chatbot to appear as if it’s talking to the individual directly. This feature can be used to automatically send data such as their names and last names.

SocialMate also allows you to add the name of your Facebook users to the message. This feature will make your chatbot appear as if it’s talking to the individual directly.

2.  Introduction

One of the most important factors that businesses consider when it comes to marketing is the first impression they make on potential customers. Having a welcoming message is also very important, as it allows the chatbot to identify itself. For instance, you can use the name of your chatbot John to describe itself.

3. A Summary of What You Can Help or Provide

Before you interact with a potential customer, give them an idea of what you’re going to offer them. For instance, if you’re a cellphone store, you could say that you’re John, and you’re here to help them find the best deal on a new cell phone.

4. Attractive Question

Finally, make it easier for the user to reply and continue the conversation. Having a clear and simple way to ask a question is also very important, as it allows the chatbot to encourage a response. Examples of this include asking a question about a certain topic or providing a discount.

Additional Tips for Designing The Best Welcome Message

When Creating a Chatbot Welcome Message, Don’t Forget to Consider These Important Tips:

1. Use Emoticon

Although expressive symbols are not suitable for every audience, they can still be used to divide text blocks and present visual signals. They can help users feel more comfortable using your chatbot. Having a welcoming tone can also help ease the transition for new users.

2. Keep It Simple

Interact with your users in a way that gets them interested in your robot software. Make sure that the sentences are short and easy to read. Also, aim to have a positive effect on your bot content as soon as possible.

3. Make Your Message Short

Your welcome message should ideally not exceed two to three short sentences. Each sentence should be separated by a blank space, and it should fit into a single block.

4. Allow Time To Read

If you’re planning on creating a longer welcome message, ensure that you give the client enough time to read it. Since robots talk in a similar manner to humans, you have to leave enough time for them to absorb the message. Also, avoid sending too much at once since it can overwhelm the client.

You Can Start Building Your Chat Bot Today

With our SocialMate platform, you can start building your first Boot Screen simply and easily, without any special skills or software knowledge. You can start by looking at Docs from here that will take you step-by-step until you succeed at the Boot Chat work that’s right for you!